How Fast Are RC Cars

How Fast Are RC Cars

How Fast Are RC Cars

By Joe Rich

The speed of RC cars has increased over the years with the development of technology. Even the cheapest RC car can hit 30+ mph. The top RC cars can hit nearly 200 mph.

RC Cars are becoming more and more popular all over the world.

With the increasing demand for RCs, a question which is puzzling many enthusiasts and hobbyists is how fast to do RC Cars go.

We will today try to answer this question and also delve into the difference between the actual speed as well as scale speed in order to provide you with a clear picture.

The hobby RC cars will likely clock speed of up to 70 mph on the police radar gun.

There are modified as well as dragster RCs which can clock speeds of over 100 mph.

These RC Cars, however, are not easily available for purchase right away and need to be modified manually in order to make them clock such higher speeds.

What is real speed and scale speed in RC cars

When you speak about the speed of RC Cars, there are 2 metrics to consider.

One is the real speed and another is the scale speed.

We will go into the details of both in order to know more.

Real speed

Real Speed refers to the actual speed at which a radio-controlled (RC) car can travel, typically measured in miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (km/h). This is the speed that you would observe if you were to measure the RC car’s performance using a radar gun or GPS device. Real speed is an important factor to consider when comparing the performance of different RC cars and determining which one may be suitable for your needs.

Scale speed

Scale Speed is a term used to describe the speed of an RC car in relation to its size compared to a full-sized vehicle. It is usually expressed as a ratio, such as 1:10 or 1:8, where the first number represents the size of the RC car and the second number represents the size of a real car. To calculate the scale speed, you would multiply the real speed by the scale ratio. For example, if a 1:10 scale RC car has a real speed of 10 mph, its scale speed would be 100 mph (10 x 10).

The main difference between real speed and scale speed lies in the way they are used to describe the performance of an RC car. Real speed provides a direct measurement of the car’s actual speed, while scale speed offers a comparison to the performance of a full-sized vehicle.

To better understand these concepts, let’s consider an example. Suppose you have two RC cars: Car A with a real speed of 20 mph and a 1:10 scale ratio, and Car B with a real speed of 15 mph and a 1:8 scale ratio. Car A has a scale speed of 200 mph (20 x 10), while Car B has a scale speed of 120 mph (15 x 8). In this case, Car A has a higher real speed and scale speed compared to Car B.

Understanding the difference between real speed and scale speed is important for both beginners and experienced racers. For beginners, it helps them choose an appropriate RC car based on their skill level and the type of terrain they plan to drive on. A car with a higher real speed may be more challenging to control, while a car with a lower real speed may be easier to handle.

For experienced racers, understanding these concepts becomes even more important when participating in competitions or comparing the performance of different RC cars. In some race events, scale speed is used to determine the winner, as it provides a more accurate representation of the car’s performance relative to its size.

Both real speed and scale speed are essential measurements for describing the capabilities of an RC car. By understanding these concepts, beginners can make informed decisions when purchasing an RC car, and experienced racers can fine-tune their skills and strategies for competitive events.

What are the factors which impact the speed of a RC car?

There are many factors that can affect the speed of RC cars. Some of them include gearing, weight, battery charge level, and type of wheels used.

Lets look at what can affect the speed of your RC car.


The gearing of the car is one of the most important factors which determine the speed as well as acceleration of the car.

You can modify the pinion gear or the spur gear or both according to your requirement in order to get the performance which you want.

If you want to make subtle changes to the performance of your car, changing the pinion gear is a better option as compared to changing the spur gear.

You can attain a higher gear ratio by opting for the smallest pinion gear and going for the largest spur gear.

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This will ensure that your acceleration is increased but the top speed is on the lower side.

Similarly, you can opt for low gear ratio by going for the largest pinion and the smallest a spur gear.

This might provide you with slower acceleration but the top speed will be on the higher side.

Thus, when you’re buying an RC car, it is important to check the gear assembly and the gear ratio offered and ask is it possible to modify the gearbox.

This will probably not be an option on toy grade RC cars.


The size of the car is another factor which has a direct impact on the speed of the car.

The 1st and foremost impact which it has is on the acceleration of the car.

The bigger and heavier the car, the slower will be the acceleration.

Similarly, the maximum speed which it can attain will also be on the lower side.


The type of motor which you use in your RC car plays an important role in the speed which can be achieved.

There are 2 types of motors to choose from.

One is the brushed motor and another is the brushless motor.

The basic working of both of these motors is the same.

The only difference is that when your RC car is fitted with the brushed motor, friction inside the motor will take some of the power it would off used to reach top speed.

Owing to this very reason, the power efficiency of this motor is on the lower side.

When you look at brushless motors, you will realize that its main advantage is that they are up to 15% more efficient.

Thus, it will not only produce more energy but it will also result in less noise and heat.

If you are looking to pick the fastest RC car, you should pick the one with the brushless motor.

We have a article all about brushed and brushless motors Click here to read.

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When you look at the type of batteries which are often used in the RCs, you will realize that either the lithium-based batteries or used or the nickel-based batteries are used.

If you’re looking for a faster RC car, it is a good idea to go for the lithium polymer batteries.

The runtime of the lithium polymer batteries is on the higher side.

Moreover, they have very low resistance as well.

The only problem is that the discharge rates are on the higher side.

Owing to this very reason, you need to charge them frequently.

On the other hand, when you opt for the nickel-based batteries, they are more affordable and require very little maintenance but they do not provide the same power as the lithium polymer batteries.

We have a article all about RC car batteries Click here to read.

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Ideally, on smooth surfaces, the RCs can travel at a higher speed.

That is why, when you’re racing using the RCs or when you’re just trying to attain the highest possible speed, it is a good idea to always stick to the smooth and paved surfaces.

The more uneven the surface, the lesser will be the speed of the RC car.

You have to keep this factor in mind and thereafter only, you have to use the RCs.

Are electric RC cars faster than Nitro powered RC cars?

Back in the day it was surely nitro cars were much faster when compared to the electric cars and they were.

However, these days electric car modification kits are available.

These enable you to get more or less the same speed as the nitro cars.

In many cases now electric cars are faster in fact the world speed record is held by an electric powered car at over 200 mph.

The advantage of electric RC Cars is that the maintenance is on the lower side and greater control is provided.

If you’re looking to modify your electric RC Cars in order to attain a higher speed, then you can go for the electric RCs and after the modification, you will be able to get them up to a higher speed.

We have a detailed article all about making your RC car faster click here to read.

How to test the speed of an RC car?

When it comes to RC cars, for many the fastest is the best. However, many people often do not know how to test the speed of the RC car.

There are 2 different ways in which you can do so.

The radar gun

The radar gun is the kind which is used by the police officers in order to measure the speed of the cars.

You have to just hold it facing the car while the trigger is pressed.

You should point it to an area from where the car is to be passed.

This will help you get the exact speed of the car.

Speed guns are available to buy from major online retailers like Amazon and Ebay click on the links below to view.

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The GPS receiver

There are many GPS speedometers on the market that can help you measure your vehicle’s speed. It’ll record your maximum and average speeds, as well as other information.

The only problem is that if you’re having a smaller RC car, it will be a bit difficult to install it on the car.

If you have medium sized or a larger RC car, there will be no problem at all.

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What is the fastest speed of an RC car?

The Traxxas XO-1 is considered the fastest ready-to-run (RTR) RC car, capable of reaching speeds up to 100 mph (160 km/h) under optimal conditions.

We have a article all about the who makes the fastest RC car click here to read.

Which is faster gas or electric RC cars?

In general, electric RC cars tend to be faster than their gas-powered counterparts. This is mainly due to the advancements in brushless motor technology and lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries, which allow electric RC cars to generate more power and torque, resulting in higher speeds.

Electric RC cars typically have quicker acceleration and can reach their top speed faster than gas-powered models. Additionally, electric cars are easier to maintain, quieter, and more environmentally friendly.

However, one thing to note is that there are high-performance gas-powered RC cars that can rival the speeds of some electric models. Gas-powered RC cars, also known as nitro cars, run on a mixture of nitromethane fuel and oil. They offer a more realistic driving experience, with the sound and smell of the engine, and can run for longer periods without needing to refuel or recharge.

While electric RC cars are generally faster than gas-powered models, some high-performance gas-powered cars can compete with electric ones in terms of speed. The choice between the two depends on personal preferences, budget, and the type of driving experience you are looking for.

How fast are RC drift cars?

RC drift cars are designed for drifting rather than reaching high speeds. As a result, their top speed is generally lower compared to other types of RC cars. On average, RC drift cars can reach speeds of around 15 to 30 mph (24 to 48 km/h).

The focus of RC drift cars is on precision, handling, and control, allowing them to perform controlled slides and drifts around corners. These cars typically feature specialized tires with low grip, which enable them to slide more easily. They also have unique suspension setups and weight distribution to improve their drifting capabilities.

Some hobbyists may modify their drift cars to achieve higher speeds, but the primary purpose of these vehicles is to perform drifts rather than to attain maximum speed.

How fast are RC rock crawlers?

RC rock crawlers are designed for tackling challenging off-road terrains and obstacles, rather than reaching high speeds. Their primary focus is on torque, traction, and stability, which allows them to climb steep inclines, navigate rocky surfaces, and conquer other difficult terrains.

As a result, RC rock crawlers generally have lower top speeds compared to other types of RC cars. On average, they can reach speeds of around 5 to 15 mph (8 to 24 km/h). Some faster models may go up to 20 mph (32 km/h), but this is not common for rock crawlers.

In conclusion, the speed of RC cars varies greatly depending on the type, design, and components used in their construction. From high-speed racing models like the Traxxas XO-1 to specialized drift cars and rock crawlers, each category serves a unique purpose and offers a distinct driving experience. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of different RC car types will help you make an informed decision when selecting the perfect model for your needs. Whether you’re seeking adrenaline-pumping speeds, precision drifting, or conquering challenging terrains, there’s an RC car out there that’s just right for you. So, buckle up, grab your remote, and get ready to experience the thrilling world of RC cars!

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